Thursday, November 6, 2008

Which is most damaging?...Week 11 Post 1

The three patterns are all interesting in that I feel as though all of them would be difficult in their own way to change. If I were to pick the most difficult to change I think it would be the competitive symmetry. I was going back and forth between this and rigid complementarity but I decided competitive symmetry because I feel if two people are that rigid and both like control and want to be in the leadership role, it would be very difficult to change that behavior. I feel that if both people cannot relinquish control then how would they be able to change? The one that I feel would be most damaging to a relationship would probably still be competitive symmetry because of both people always trying to top the other so if you look at a romantic relationship and the people in the relationship are competitive with one another I think they ultimately would get fed up and it wouldn’t work because neither would want to compromise. Apart from that, the pattern that would be most damaging to self-esteem I believe would be rigid complementarity. Because of the resentful feelings that both parties end up having towards one another can be very damaging to the self-esteem of both people involved.

1 comment:

Reese said...

I was amazed to read your blog persiangirl because I too share many similar feelings to you about the patterns we read about in chapter six.

I agree that the competitive symmetry would be the most difficult pattern to break. As you stated in your blog being competitive by nature means that you don't want to relinquish control. If someone always has to be in control and they are never willing to compromise then a relationship won't work. My fiance is a very competitive man and I tend to be more go with the flow. However when it comes to board games I am ruthless and he is also. Lets just say games can get ugly with us when we are both die heart to win. Now if I was competitive about everything we would drive each other crazy because we would never be able to let the other person take the glory for anything.

I also agree that the rigid complementary would be the most damaging to one's self esteem because it involves resentment. Resentment is the harboring of bitterness and this is never a healthy thing.

Great Blog! I hope you have an awesome weekend and a good Tuesday off from school.