Friday, November 21, 2008

Cyber-Relationships...Week 13 Post 1

When I was younger and AOL and chat rooms and things like that were really popular I would go on and meet people in there. I must’ve been around fourteen or fifteen and I had friends online that I had never met in person. Now on the other hand I don’t go on any of those sites or chat rooms so I don’t have any friendships exclusively in cyberspace. These cyberspace relationships are much different from face to face relationships because you could tell the person whatever you wanted without worrying that they were going to find out you were lying. I have never been a fan of meeting people off of the internet so I felt as though I could act however I wanted and pretend to be whoever I wanted to be because I thought that the people on the other side were probably doing the same exact thing.


TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Persiangirl! Considering the fact that you have had relationships in the past, and do not now, what changed? I assume 14 or 15 was a number of years ago, was the online chat world different then it is now? In what other ways are f2f relationships different than cyber relationships?

Ulf Kellson said...

I was actually going to comment on what the Prof has already mentioned. I remember the early days when I first had net access through AOL (think that was back in 96 or so?) and the whole idea of speaking to people through a computer absoluetly blew my mind. From then to now things have changed so much! No longer are we confined to text only logs. We can video chat, send files and photos, send messages to cell phones, create online avatars, and make personal web pages and blogs. The ways in which the online chatting world has exploded in the past 10+ years is amazing to me.