Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rationality, Perfectibility, Mutability...Week 9 Post 2

The rationality, perfectibility, and mutability premises are completely different in what each is based on. I do not necessarily believe in the perfectibility premise but I do see some truth in both the rationality and mutability premises. The mutability premise I feel is very important in the many peoples’ behaviors are shaped by the environment in which they live in; also the rationality premise I see truth in because I feel that most people are indeed capable in discovering truth it is just up to whether someone decides to do that or not is another case all together. The social institutions that use the rationality premise would be like what the book says: American institutions, trial by jury and free enterprise. I feel that some religions are based upon the perfectibility premise and the mutability premise would include many psychological institutions which would look at why a person ended up there based on their environment and mental capacity.

1 comment:

Ulf Kellson said...

Yes I agree with your placement of the rationality and mutability premises within the various institutions of our country/government. As a nation founded on White Anglo-Saxon Puritan ethics, wouldn't the perfectability clause come into play at least somewhere within our society, even if you (as I) do not believe in the premise itself? I think the use of the perfectability premise is constantly around use, and while it may not be used in the religious sense of "holy" and "evil" all the time...were a certainly bombarded with what is "good" and "bad".