Thursday, October 23, 2008

Creatures of our Culture?... Week 9 post 1

I completely agree that we are creatures of our culture, whatever that culture may be. I feel that if someone is from a particular culture it is reflected in his or her everyday life. Because the United States is considered a “melting pot”, the majority of the population is from different cultures and countries. Since most of us live with our families we pick up the habits, beliefs and values from them and in turn these beliefs typically reflect our cultural standpoint. I do feel like we can break through the limits of our culture and that people do it all of the time. There are many who change religions, marry outside of their culture and pursue job careers that the cultural “norm” would not necessarily approve of.

1 comment:

TheBloggingProf said...

Hi Persiangirl! You made a good point here when you mentioned learning from our families. My question to you would be, when do you think that would stop, if ever? Do we continuously learn from our families? Or can values, behaviors and beliefs change? If so, at what point does one become more individual and less a 'follower' of sorts? And, can a person engage in those beliefs and values, but have a culture all unto themselves?