Saturday, October 4, 2008

What I found interesting... Week 6 Post 3

There were a few things that I found interesting in chapter four one that was interesting but also confusing was the idea of sign, signified and signifier. According to the book a sign is the vehicle for this expression; the signified is the private idea located solely in the mind of a communicator and the form in which the idea is expressed is the signifier. During this blog I kind of want to go over this idea. I feel as though this is interesting concept because the signified can be different for every person. The entire symbolism that comes with language is all dependent on who is viewing it and their past experiences. To me if I saw a sign for pizza, the signifier would be p-i-z-z-a, the signified would be the delicious crust with tomato sauce, cheese and pepperoni; which would all constitute the sign. If someone who wasn’t from this country and didn’t have pizza their sign would be completely different.

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