Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who I admire... Week 2 Post 1

I admire Barack Obama because of his presence when he gets up to the podium.  The first time I ever heard him speak was watching the democratic national convention four years ago.  As soon as I heard him speak I agreed with his views and felt like he gave the American people a future they could rely on in an unstable economy.  Since that first occasion, my opinion of him and his speaking abilities have continued to grow.  Obama uses a combination of ethos, pathos and logos in order to connect to his audience.  He uses ethos effectively to add his own character into the speech he is giving.  He is able to use pathos well in order to get to the American people's hearts and he uses logos by his word choice showing his education and eloquence in speaking to a captivated audience.  The personal qualities I posses are more influenced by ethos and pathos.  I have the ability to be persuasive by relating to the audience that I am speaking to and targeting the emotions of people in order to get my point across.  Aristotle's methods are very handy in communicating effectively to people.

1 comment:

Annabo said...

Great post, Persiangirl! I also think that Obama has great presence, and I mainly enjoy speakers who have energy when they are onstage. I agree with you that Obama has a combination of ethos and pathos. His character always comes through when he speaks. And in your own personal qualities, I think it's good that you know you can persuade by relating to the audience. The audience has to feel engaged and connected in order to believe a speech, so I think it's good you already know that about yourself! :)